Kashimpa is situated in Chief Bunda Bunda’s chiefdom in Rufunsa district of Lusaka Province. The community is made up of four villages with 325 households and an estimated population of 1,938. The community has one primary school with two classroom blocks that cater to all four villages. The community is currently constructing a clinic as the nearest clinic is a 10 km distance to the community. The community has a poor road and transport networks. The area is not connected to the national electricity grid; thus, community members use charcoal and firewood as energy sources and to a limited extent solar energy.
Collaboration with ZGF: In collaboration with ZGF, the community is constructing a strong room at the school so that the school can be used as an extermination centre. This will help to reduce the distance learners have to travel when writing exams. The community has also set up a milling machine, poultry, and grocery business. The businesses are meant to support the development of the community.
Partner organisation: Kashimpa Village Development Committee