Mbongolo community is located in Lupani zone of Chilochabalenge Ward, Katuba Constituency of Chibombo District. Situtated about 68 km from Lusaka City, Mbongolo comprises four villages namely Shangala village, Njaluka village, Mubamba village and Mbongolo village itself with a total of 783 households. Mbongolo community lacks basic facilities such as a clinic, electricity, adequate water, security and quality education. Levels of unemployment are equally high in the community; hence people depend much on agriculture, with the majority being small scale farmers who keep livestock and grow crops for income generating purposes and for consuming.
Collaboration with ZGF: ZGF in collaboration with the community has introduced a saving group to develop their financial assets. Also led by the community members, the community is currently rehabilitating a two by one classroom block (two classrooms in one block). Mbongolo community school accommodates 352 learners and has three classrooms that are in poor condition and unsafe for learning. The third classroom was supposed to be a teacher’s office but has been turned into a classroom due to a shortage of classrooms for the learners. With no desks, children are subjected to either sit on the ground, on a piece of wood or bricks.
Partner organisation: Mbongolo Ward Committee